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Aero-Vim GmbH

Your Go-To Source for Certified Aircraft Components

At Aero Vim GmbH, we're not just a company – we're a close-knit team of aviation enthusiasts, fueled by passion and driven by a shared vision.we specialize in providing top-quality aircraft parts and solutions to the aviation community. Even though we're a small team, we make sure to deliver excellent quality and reliability.We're proud to build real relationships with our customers – when you choose us, you become part of our family.

Our Company offers a selection of our best aerospace parts and services. Whether you need engine parts, avionics systems, or special tools, we've got you covered. Plus, we're dedicated to giving you the best customer service possible, so you can trust that your satisfaction is our top priority.

Meet The Team

CEO & Managing Director

Jalal Chavoshian

With over a decade of experience in the aerospace industry, Jalal Chavoshian brings invaluable expertise to Aero Vim GmbH. As the visionary leader of our team, Jalal is dedicated to driving innovation and ensuring the highest standards of quality and reliability in everything we do.

Head of Finance & Quality Management

Elham Bazyar

Elham Bazyar is a versatile member of the Aero Vim GmbH team, handling both account management and quality assurance responsibilities with equal skill and dedication. As an account manager, Elham builds strong relationships with our clients, ensuring their needs are understood. Additionally, her attention to detail and commitment to excellence make her an invaluable asset in quality assurance, where she meticulously inspects each component to uphold our stringent standards of quality and reliability. Elham's multifaceted role ensures that our customers receive top-tier service while maintaining the highest standards of product excellence.

Sales & Shipping Administartor

Damoon Jamshidi

He ensures the smooth flow of orders from inception to delivery. He manages customer inquiries and coordinates with shipping partners to ensure timely delivery of products. 

Export Controller

Niki Arai

Niki ensures smooth operations and compliance with export requirements. Niki's efficiency and attention to detail streamline our export processes effectively

Sniffer Quality Control


We also have our furry friend on board. With her keen sense of smell and friendly demeanor, she eagerly sniffs every package that comes through our doors, ensuring everything is in order. 

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